The Rocky Mountain Depression Glass Society will present the 41st “Array of Color” Annual Show & Sale featuring American glass, dinnerware, pottery, and china from the Art Deco, Depression, and Mid-Century Modernism Eras on April 25th (10-5) & 26th (11-4), 2015, at the Douglas County Events Center, Castle Rock, Colorado. The show features over 30 dealers from around the country, displays from members’ collections, educational seminars, and hourly door prizes for adults and children. The admission price of $5 is good for both days of the show.
For more information, send email to
Postcard for 2015 “Array of Color” Show
Dealers in the Array of Color Show 2015, as of 4/21/15
2015 RMDGS Motels in Castle Rock
(Note that LaQuinta has been removed from the list.)
Restaurants in Castle Rock 2014
(To print or read the documents at the links above, you will need the Adobe Reader (free download from on your computer.)
2014 “Array of Color” Show
The 2014 displays featured red and ruby glass made by many different manufacturers, to celebrate the ruby anniversary of the annual “Array of Color” show and sale, which has been produced by the the Rocky Mountain Depression Glass Society for 40 years.